About MFC

The friendliest folk club in Gloucestershire

At MFC we believe in encouraging new performers of folk/roots-related music, however inexperienced, and we’ll do our best to help you feel at ease. If you’re planning to sing or play, particularly if you’re not a regular, please try to get here before the 7.45 start so you have time to introduce yourself.

We usually manage to fit everyone in, though on busy nights you may only get to do one song or tune and late arrivals may miss their chance. If it’s busy, please try to avoid long songs and long introductions. You will be particularly popular if you can entertain us with upbeat material.

It helps if musicians can get their instruments ready and in tune beforehand, to avoid awkward delays when their turn comes.  When it’s your turn to perform, please say if you’d like others to sing or play along with you – if so, you might want to tell the MC what you’re planning to do in advance so we can sort out keys etc.

A music stand is available for performers. You may bring a PA outfit if you want, but there is very little space for equipment, so please bring only what you really need.

We’re a club for people of all standards, and nowhere will new performers find a more encouraging and sympathetic audience than at Minchinhampton Folk Club.

“You can do anything you like to music – it doesn’t mind”
– Dave Swarbrick

Guest spots

From time to time we invite a popular and recognised singer, musician or combo along to do a guest spot, usually around 3-40 minutes, in return for the night’s takings (‘doing it for the door’). We don’t pay fees as such at the club, as even on guest nights it’s just the £2 minimum donation on the door (plus, we hope, something to show your appreciation), but we make sure that at the very least guest performers’  expenses are covered.

“Take the music seriously, but never take yourself seriously”
– Sandy Denny